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Cpt. Bill Stranahan

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Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Summertime Stripers on the Hiwassee River

kip & tom gilliam 2010

         It's almost that time of year again. We should start seeing some of our bigger fish showing up in the river in the next couple of weeks. It will be interesting to see how heavy the run will be this year as it always varys a little from year to year. If you have never tried striper fishing on the Hiwassee, well you should try it at least once. I will say that it's not for the faint of heart. If numbers of fish are what you are looking for then this is not for you, but if you have always wanted a chance a 30lb plus monster, well that's what we have here. Last season gave us a couple of fish that were our best catches ever with two fish over 40lbs and almost 48 inches in length.
     It's kinda like a southern steelhead type thing where you fish hard and if you put in the time, you will be rewarded sooner or later. Instead of the cold and freezing temperatures, we have the summer heat to deal with. This year we will be offering a couple of different types of float trips. Our main trips as always are on the upper sections of the Hiwassee River, but we will also be working a fair amout on the lower portions of the river this year as well. I am working on a small river boat that gives us the ability to be very mobile and cover alot of ground during a day.

    The Tennessee Valley Authority have been moving large amounts of water through all parts of the tva river system for quite a while now. This may have brought some of our fish up into the lower reaches of the river a little early this year. The water flow schedules will be reduced to normal flow rates within a week or so and once this happens i am expecting the lower reaches of the river to fish well. We will starting our early runs into the lower river to see where the fish are as soon as this happens. I am fairly excited and looking forward to see what we can get into down there this year.

I will give some more information once i have been able to get on the water and see whats happening this season.

If you are looking for a chance to get on these fish, give us a call and set up a trip date and see if you can handle one of the big ones.

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